Things to Consider When Deciding on a Septic System Design

The septic tank is a kind of wastewater treatment system installed on-site for sewage collection. It refers to an anaerobic bacterial environment that breaks down or neutralizes the sewage released into the tank. When there are multiple types of tanks, septic tanks are expected to be used by a specific population. 

Regular septic tank pumping is a crucial component of proper maintenance because if you fail to do so, it can cause major issues, which result in a costly, hazardous situation. It depends on the tank size, the number of occupants in the home, and how often you need the septic pumping. However, it would be best to pump the septic tank at least once every three to four years.

(Read More: Septic System Warnings, and Ways to Fix Them)

 Local Codes and Rules

Any huge project, such as a septic system installation, necessitates ensuring that the project complies with the area’s laws and rules. You can find yourself midway through the septic tank design process and having to restart the wastewater treatment system plan because you need to be made aware of the regulation you must follow. Therefore, you should always check the authorities for the rules and regulations to follow. Hiring an experienced consultant is advisable since they need to know all these local regulations. 

Testing the soil

The ability of the septic system to function relies heavily on the condition of the soil also the type of soil particle. There are tens of thousands of different soil kinds, each affecting the septic system differently. While the soil is too coarse, wastewater flows through too rapidly to be treated properly. Clay-rich solid is unfavorable because it retains water for too long, leading them to drain slowly. 

Types of the septic systems

Once you know about the tank’s soil composition and placement structure, look up the local laws to see what kind of septic system you need. Most typical septic systems consist of the septic tank and the drainage system, which collects wastewater from the residence and treats it in the soil. 

A few other types of septic systems include: 

  • Mound System
  • Conventional System
  • Cluster Systems
  • Pump Chamber System
  • Size of the Septic area

The next step is deciding the septic system’s capacity based on the house’s size and water usage. You may start mapping out the septic area after you know what kind of septic system you have. You may have to check the local codes once more to ensure that the area is within the legal restrictions and understand how close the septic area should be to the house, waterways, and land borders.

Calculate the septic tank capacity

Wastewater flows back into the residence if the septic tank volume is insufficient. Therefore you may have to choose the tank size.

It depends upon the availability of the Septic system. You need to calculate the septic tank capacity in a step-by-step process:

Use a three-day retention duration for the septic tank design. As a result, the constructed tank must contain residential wastewater for at least three days. 

It depends upon the available area for the septic system; one can increase or decrease the height and can easily calculate the length and breadth dimensions for the tank to meet the capacity requirements. 


Enjoy many benefits of septic tank pumping by scheduling a service appointment today. American on-site Septic is a septic maintenance company that excels at providing septic pumping services in Molalla.

Septic Tank designs are simple, but there is a need for accuracy in the calculations, which makes the procedure difficult. The essential element to consider is the local restrictions, which may affect the design. Instead of creating the septic system, employ the service providers with the 

We offer septic tank pumping inspections to protect your home from hazardous and expensive emergencies.

Contact us today to book your appointment. 



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