5 Easy Tips to Clean Septic Tanks

Poorly maintained septic tanks can cause havoc in most households, residential buildings, hotels, restaurants, and resorts when left unattended. In septic tanks, a lack of degradation of food waste and faecal matter leads to sludge buildup, which causes overflows. 


The presence of food and toilet garbage disposal in a septic tank can cause clogging of the tank, causing foul odors to emanate and the development of backflows due to sludge build-up. Hiring a septic service Wilsonville to clean septic tanks becomes imperative.

Follow Below Tips to Clean Septic Tanks

Dispose of Waste Correctly

You need to keep in mind that everything that goes down the drain in your house ends up in the septic tank eventually. Be aware of what should and should not go in your septic tank to prevent clogs. 

Following are some items you shouldn’t flush or rinse down your sink drain:

  • Diapers
  • Non-flushable wipes, like wet wipes
  • Paints, gasoline, insecticides, pesticides, antifreeze
  • Dental floss
  • Women’s hygiene products
  • Cigarettes or buds
  • Medications
  • Tissues and paper towels
  • Oil and grease from food


The Efficient Use of Water

On average, each individual consumes nearly 70 gallons of water per day in a typical property. The water waste from a leaking or running toilet can amount to as much as 200 gallons per day.

Each household sends a certain amount of water down its pipes to its septic system. Septic systems are more likely to be overrun with water when a household conserves water. By using water efficiently, septic tanks operate more smoothly, remain clean, and are less likely to fail.


Drainfield Protection

Drainfields are an integral part of your septic tank system. The filter removes contaminants from your septic tank. Protecting it is easy. Drive and park away from it. You should ensure that any garden or trees you plant near your septic tank are at least a few feet away from the drainfield. In this way, roots cannot penetrate the tank. 

Lastly, make sure water does not drain and accumulate in the drain field from other sources. The septic tank can’t work properly if sump pumps, roof drains, and rain drainage systems allow waste to collect in the drainfield.


Regular Pumping 

You need to do septic pumping in Wilsonville to keep it clean routinely. You may wonder how often this needs to be done.

A number of factors affect how often your tank needs to be pumped, such as its size, the size of your home, the number of people who live there, and the amount of waste contained in your household products. Enzymes and bacteria may also contribute to the frequency of pumping.

The following factors help determine how often your septic tank should be pumped by a professional. 


Be Sure to Call a Plumber or a Professional 

When you begin to notice signs, such as standing water, clogged drains, or a significant smell, you should contact a septic tank cleaning service to take care of the mess. Your septic system can function at full capacity as long as it is clean and fresh until a future clean-out is eventually necessary. 


Following these five tips can greatly improve the chances of your septic tank cleaning going smoothly. Don’t forget to follow regular septic tank pumping in Wilsonville for your property. 

Do you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing your septic system is in optimal condition? Call us today at American on-site septic for any of your septic system questions.



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