5 Common Reasons for Septic Tank Overflowing After Being Pumped

Septic tanks can be described as large, buried containers of concrete or hard plastic that are used to store household wastewater. Septic systems need to be pumped at least once a year, depending on how large they are and how much water they can hold.

Sometimes septic tanks overflow or fill up immediately after pumping. Observing a higher water volume might be alarming, specifically if you recently have septic pumping in Wilsonville. Let’s figure out why this occurs.

Reasons for Septic Tank Overflow after Pumping

Malfunctioning Drained Field 

The drainage field is an underground storage area where contaminants are removed from water from septic tanks. Drain fields are formed when the ground texture is too wet or muddy above ground where compact soil is available.

Sometimes, water may seep into the tank and cause an unpleasant odor. Sometimes, when professionals pump your septics, it is not enough to resolve this problem. It is best to get the septic inspected and repaired by them. 

Bacterial Deficiency

Bacteria is good for your septic systems, so it is important to be cautious when choosing household cleaning products. A cleaning product can be used to clean your white laundry but might cause overflowing septic. As bleach kills all bacteria, any product with bleach could cause problems for your septic. 

Tank bacteria are sacred to you. It has sole responsibility for removing sludge, helping with the breakdown of the solid, and maintaining a healthy system. A bacterial problem in your tank can lead to solid waste accumulation at an alarming rate, which will mean that you need to pump the tank more frequently. You can risk your tank overflowing if you do not comply.

Blocked Drains and Clogs

Any blockage or clog within the drains can lead the tank to overflow and backups both inside and out. You can cause a clog inside your drain by pouring the unsanitary matter (e.g., grease) down it.

Tree roots, line leaks, and line blockages are all possible causes of outside clogs. Tree roots can be stubborn and very strong. They will climb through everything, even your pipes, and tanks. Concrete septic tank systems are ideal for stopping this.

Your drain pipes should be cleaned and inspected for leaks or obstructions. The inspector can also run a camera along the lines to inspect every crevice. Once you have identified the problem, it is possible to fix it. Things should then run smoothly again.

Inadequate Maintenance

A healthy and functioning septic tank system requires regular maintenance. To remove any solid waste that could cause system disruption, septic owners need to have their tanks pumped regularly. Considerations such as the size of your septic system and how often you use it can help you decide when to pump it.

Septic pumping’s should not be ignored as sludge can easily creep into drain field pipes. While sludge naturally sinks at the bottom of a tank, water pressure can cause it to rise and push it toward the outlet. The solid waste can quickly clog pipes in drain fields and cause a backup to the whole system.


When caring for your septic system, be proactive instead of reactive. American On Site Septic offers septic tank services like septic system installation in Wilsonville, maintenance, etc., to promote a healthy septic system.



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