Is the Septic Line Clogged? Here are Tricks that will Save You Money

Is It a Clogged Drain or a Clogged Septic Line?

A clogged septic tank can create troubles that look like a clogged drain. Having an idea about these two can help you in many ways. Here is what you must know about the clogged drains, septic tanks, and some DIY repairs for the clogged septic lines to get a troublesome situation under control. 

By the end of this article, you will be able to distinguish whether you have a septic line clogged or your drain. We will introduce you to the tricks and tips that can save you money, and you won’t have to waste on clogged septic lines.

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Identifying A Septic Tank-Clogged Pipe

The main drain line that leads the pipe from your house is always prone to damage and clogs. The primary function of the drain line is to carry the water from all the drains in the home to the septic tank. If there is a clog in any of its outlet pipes, we can easily resolve it. First, you must be sure that it is, in fact, a clog in your septic tank line. There are specific symptoms to note while distinguishing between a clogged septic tank, drain, or pipe. 

1. Foul Smell From Drains

Generally, when waste and water do not drain, the stuck-up wastewater returns to the house, releasing a pungent smell. You may not notice returning water, but you may smell a bad odor from the pipes, such as in showers, toilets, bathtubs, kitchens, sinks, or basements.

2. Gurgling Noises

Since the septic system is malfunctioning, it is bound to make weird sounds. When drain water is released from the washing machine, toilet, or sink, it may create trickling or gurgling noises as the pipe is completely clogged. This might go on long after you have drained the waste.

3. Slow Drains

It is the most common symptom of a clogged pipe. A slow drain is the sign of a blockage in your draining system. Fats, oil, and grease are the reason behind clogs. They stick together and move inside your drain, which slows down the flow of water. 

DIY Repairs for Clogged Septic Lines

When you have confirmed the root of all the problems and are certain you have a clogged septic pipe, you must try specific measures to mitigate or resolve it. DIY solutions are easy-to-do remedies, especially for those with years of household DIY experience. Here are some of the points that you can consider for repairing clogged septic lines:

1. Baking Soda And Vinegar Solution

Usually, clogs are formed because of grease, oil, fat, solid food, and other items. The only way to get rid of the clog is to clear it. For this, nothing can be a better option than baking soda. It helps dissolve the clogs in the pipe, while the vinegar refreshes the bad smell of the drain and eliminates the grease. 

2. Pour Hot Water Into The Drain

Hot water also works well in loosening obstructions in the drain, especially when not blocked. Pour as much hot water as possible into the drain regularly and let it strain into the clog. 

3. Use the Drain Snake.

A drain snake is an effective tool to clear the clogs in the pipe. It can reach up to 80 meters in any drain, and it is beneficial in removing solid clogs. In every way, it is better than chemicals. 

4. Bent Hanger Technique

The bent hanger is a great do-it-yourself alternative to a plumbing plunger and auger. You can efficiently do it by straightening the hanger as much as you can and leaving the hook at one end. Next, insert the hanger into the pipe with a hook in; use the hook to pull out the clogs from the line. 

5. Call the Professionals

If you have tried and tested all the methods mentioned above and none worked, the problem may be in the septic tank system, which is outside your ability to solve. You may need to contact a professional plumber to resolve it efficiently. The plumber will also check the whole house’s septic system to find whether there is any pipe damage, burst, or frozen pipes. 

Leave the Guesswork to the Professionals!

If you are having trouble with the clogged septic line, consider reaching out to American On-Site Septic. We will inspect your tanks and let you know whether the tank needs to be pumped or if any other remedies are required. For more information regarding septic tank pumping, other services, or an appointment, contact American On-Site Septic. We will be happy to solve all your queries and give you more information.



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